Pledge Card
[College or University Name]
Remember when you were a student at [college or university name]? The professors, the late nights in the library, the football games, the lifelong friendships. It wasn’t all that long ago, but now there are new students looking for that same college experience you had. Show them the [college or university name] way and help ensure our next classes of students have everything they need to succeed.
I pledge to contribute a sum of $ _____________ according to the following payment plan:
- ___ One-time contribution $ _____________
- ___ Multiple contributions $ _____________
- ___ Monthly
- ___ Quarterly
- ___ Annually
- ___ Other
Payment Information
I would like to pay by:
- ___ Check attached
- ___ Credit card: Credit card # __________________ Type _______ Exp. Date _______
- ___ Other _________________________________________________
Donor Information
Name: ________________________________________________________ Address: _______________________________________________________
City: __________________________________________________________ State: _______________________ ZIP: _______________________________
Phone: _________________________________________________________ Email: __________________________________________________________
Your Impact
Your donation is a great way to give back to your [college or university] community. Take a look at what your contribution will allow us to accomplish for our students:
- $25 will [explain impact of this dollar amount].
- $50 will [explain impact of this dollar amount].
- $100 will [explain impact of this dollar amount].
- $250 will [explain impact of this dollar amount].
- $500 will [explain impact of this dollar amount].
We’ll email you a receipt once we receive your contribution. Please make all checks payable to [college or university’s name].
Thank you so much for your continued participation in the [college or university] community! We’re thrilled to have you as a member of our bustling alumni network, now [number of people in your alumni network] strong.
[College or University’s Name]
[College President’s Name]
[College or University’s Contact Information]