Picture this—you’re brainstorming ideas for next year’s fundraising event. Some team members think you should try online or virtual fundraising while others hold fast to in-person events. You’re at a decision-making crossroads and aren’t sure which way to go.

This is a common occurrence for many organizations as more new and innovative ideas spring up each year. With all of these options, it’s difficult to know which one makes the most sense for your organization.

That’s why we’ve created this quick guide to help you take a step back and narrow your fundraising event choices. Together, we’ll review these questions you can use to inform your event decisions:

Infographic showing questions you can use to guide your fundraising event decisions, as explained throughout the text below.

1. What are your event goals?

Every fundraising event should be a vehicle for helping you meet clearly defined goals. First, it must help you meet your revenue goals. Your team should conduct research on both your fundraising history and current fundraising event trends to find a profitable solution.

In addition to raising revenue, your organization should consider what additional engagement or awareness goals you’d like to target with your new fundraising event. These could include:

  • Acquiring new donors. Large-scale community events are a great opportunity to expand your existing supporter network and tap into new donors. Ask your volunteers and existing donors to invite their friends and family.
  • Cultivating relationships with existing donors. Fundraising events offer another chance to engage regular supporters and invite them to delve deeper into your cause. For instance, if you host an event to fund a new project, you’ll be able to educate existing donors on your organization’s growth.
  • Encouraging community or school spirit. Fundraising events bring communities together to support worthwhile causes. You can use yours as an opportunity to enhance these community bonds or boost school spirit.
  • Promoting your cause. If your nonprofit is new to the area, or you’ve just revamped your elementary school, fundraising events can act as an impactful promotional tool. Just be sure to thoroughly explain your mission and how you’ll use the funds raised.

Ideally, your fundraising event will help you accomplish multiple goals at once. And, if you’d like to take your event one step further, you can partner with sponsors or other like-minded organizations to increase your resources and reach.

2. What is your budget?

Look at your budget holistically to determine which fundraising event combination will offer the best return on investment (ROI). For instance, live events require more upfront costs and planning but tend to bring in more revenue. On the other hand, online events are more flexible but may not generate as many donations.

Consider the following event-related expenses when narrowing down your event format:

  • Venue
  • Fundraising software
  • Catering
  • Entertainment
  • Staff
  • Decorations
  • Sound and lighting equipment

Ensure you have enough space in your budget for a contingency fund in case you fall short of your revenue goals. This way, you’ll be prepared should unexpected expenses or last-minute cancellations sneak up on you.

3. Who is your audience?

Knowing your audience helps determine which events will appeal to them. For instance, a large nonprofit organization might find success with upscale silent auction events while an elementary school might plan more family-friendly events like a fundraising field day or carnival.

Dig into your donor database to get the most relevant audience insights. Pay special attention to the following characteristics:

  • Age. Different age groups tend to have different donation habits and preferences. For instance, 40% of Millennials are enrolled in a monthly giving program, while 58% attend fundraising events.
  • Location. The location of your supporters is a deciding factor as well. For example, an online or hybrid event format may work best for organizations with a large global audience and limited planning time.
  • Income. Looking into the average income of your supporters can help you better understand how much you can expect to raise from your event. This way, you can plan one that appeals to their interests and takes their giving capacities into account.

Use these insights to adjust your current event format or opt for a new one completely. As an example, if you are set on running an auction, use your donor’s giving capacity to guide your auction item pricing choices.

4. What will your main revenue streams be?

Different event formats use different revenue streams. Often, one event format will rely on multiple methods to generate the most funds. For instance, a fundraising concert may use ticket sales in addition to merchandise sales or text-to-give options. Here is a full view of revenue streams you can explore for your event:

  • Ticket sales
  • Peer-to-peer or crowdfunding revenue
  • Merchandise
  • Auction revenue
  • Text-to-give
  • Raffle tickets
  • Recurring gifts
  • Matching gifts
  • In-kind contributions

Make sure you have the right software systems in place for your decided revenue streams. For online donations, you’ll want to choose a secure credit card processing platform that offers donors the ability to donate using their preferred payment option.

5. What time of year will your event be?

Choose an event date that does not conflict with your organization’s other plans or interfere with the plans of your supporters. Both of these criteria will differ depending on the nature of your organization and its supporter base.

On the nonprofit side, there are seasonal considerations an organization needs to grasp before deciding on an event. Funds2Orgs points out these noteworthy seasonal statistics:

  • On average, nonprofits raise 26% of their revenue in December.
  • 45% of donors enroll in a monthly giving program.
  • 10% of annual giving occurs in the last three days of the year.
  • GivingTuesday in 2023 saw a total of $3.1 billion in donation revenue in the U.S. alone.

On the school fundraising side, popular fundraising event seasons are back-to-school and springtime to energize your school community. Additionally, SchoolAuction.net suggests fundraising year-round to take the pressure off of a few event dates and tap into small amounts of consistent income.

6. What support will you need?

Event planning and coordination needs should be top of mind when considering your event format. If you have limited staff and planning time, you may opt for a few online fundraising events. On the other hand, if you have a knowledgeable and available support team, you might undertake more elaborate in-person fundraising opportunities.

Consider what volunteers, event staff, technical support, nonprofit board member support, and software support you need to make your event successful. Then, make your staff recruitment plans ahead of time so you’ll be ready once the event date rolls around.

Using these questions, your organization can choose your next fundraising event with confidence knowing you’ve done the research upfront. Once your event is over, be sure to update your internal records to indicate the revenue and engagement outcomes. That way, you’ll have fresh data to turn to for future event planning.

Writing a winning grant proposal is no easy feat. These projects have many moving pieces and require cross-team collaboration. Mastering grant writing means mastering organization and communication.

A successful grant writing process fosters clear internal communication from the very start. This is why grant writing experts recommend hosting a kickoff meeting for everyone who’ll be involved in the grant application process.

A preliminary meeting can go a long way to simplify grant writing, freeing up more of your mental bandwidth to craft a truly standout proposal that will win support, diversify your funding, and bring your plans to life. Let’s review how these meetings work and walk through a sample meeting agenda you can use for your next grant project.

What’s a grant kickoff meeting?

A grant kickoff meeting is a gathering of the key team members in a nonprofit who will contribute to the grant proposal in some capacity. These meetings typically involve the grant writing lead(s) and individuals from the organization’s finance, program, and leadership teams.

This meeting should occur early in the grant writing process, once the project lead has identified the grant opportunity and distilled its requirements into a detailed outline but before actual information gathering or drafting has begun.

The purpose of this meeting is to align the whole team on a few essentials, including:

  • Details about the grant
  • The project your nonprofit is proposing
  • The grant application’s requirements
  • The specific resources needed to meet the requirements
  • Your schedule for meeting all deadlines

A successful meeting will put everyone on the same page with a shared understanding of the grant, your project, what’s needed from each team member, and by when. This level of organization and efficiency leads to smoother experiences and more cohesive narratives to impress funders.

As you already know, grant applications and their requirements can be complex and often lengthy. An organized agenda and clear communication before, during, and after the kickoff meeting will significantly streamline the entire process and set you up for success.

Template for your grant kickoff meeting agenda

Learn Grant Writing’s guide to writing a proposal recommends drafting a kickoff meeting agenda and sending it to all participants a day in advance. So what should your agenda include? These templates and steps will walk through the most important elements to include:

1. Meeting logistics

Start your agenda with the basic meeting logistics and key grant details that team members can reference quickly.



Grant writing lead:


Subject: (“Kickoff for ____ Grant,” etc.)

Title of grant:

Funder name:

Value of grant:

Final application deadline:

2. Introductions

In many cases, not everyone involved in the kickoff meeting will know each other. If you are a freelance grant writer hired by the nonprofit (or if you’re a staff member helping a freelancer set up the meeting), introductions will definitely be in order.

In any case, it’s always a good idea to start the meeting with a brief overview of each individual’s role in the organization and to establish why you’re meeting. You may even want to explicitly write out the objective and intended outcome of the meeting to give everyone an immediate shared understanding.

Objective: To review the grant requirements as a team, determine who will be responsible for which deliverables, and align on deadlines.

3. Project overview

Next, orient the team to the project being proposed, its current state, and what’s still needed to accomplish it. This section will naturally vary greatly between organizations and projects. You’ll likely want a team member directly involved in the project or program to lead this portion of the meeting.

Project overview: [Provide background information on project planning and needs]

Cost estimate:

Funding secured and sources:

Funding needed:

[Include other relevant details as needed]

4. Immediate questions

During the process of reviewing the grant’s requirements and putting together the agenda, you as the grant writing lead will likely encounter specific and miscellaneous requirements. Round up those for which you can get quick answers from the team to knock them out in one go.

Bigger or more open-ended questions can be held until you discuss the full requirements and tasks.

Quick questions:

  • [List of specific questions raised by the grant requirements, for example, whether the organization is registered on Grants.gov or has a specific policy in its bylaws]

5. List of Requirements

Now you can get into the meat of the grant application: the full list of required sections and attachments that your team will need to draft or gather.

Create a simple bullet list of the specific resources that you’ll need to include in the full application. If you can, go ahead and include the name of the team member who you think will best be able to provide each resource.

Narrative and attachment requirements:

  • Grant narrative – [Name]
  • [Other required attachments specified by the funder, like IRS forms, other government forms, budgets, schedules, letters of support, and Board Resolutions, with names of relevant team members]

Grant databases and other resources may provide lists of opportunities’ requirements, and while these can be extremely helpful at a glance, do not over-rely on them. The grant itself is the source of truth—take the time before your meeting to read the requirements several times and copy a direct outline of what it asks of you.

6. Tasks for the complete application

In this portion of the meeting, you’ll walk through the sections of the grant requirements as a team and confirm who will be responsible for which elements.

Pre-assigning these responsibilities helps to streamline the process of facilitating the meeting and reduces extra back-and-forth. However, if you assign a task to someone who actually isn’t in the best position to handle it, take a moment to quickly decide who should be responsible for it instead.

Other open questions will likely crop up, as well, which you can likely save for the end of the meeting. The goal at this early stage is to walk through a straightforward outline as a team and divvy up tasks, not necessarily to pause and talk through granular details and strategies. Many required sections of grant proposals, like program or project budgets and impact projections, are essential for completing later sections, so it pays to get the ball rolling on them quickly.

For this portion of your agenda, literally convert the grant’s required sections into an outline, copying its language word for word. This outline will look very different for every grant you pursue, so here’s an excerpt of a general example:

Rating Factor 1

  • 1.1 Organizational Capabilities
    • 1.1a Managerial and Technical Staff
      • Descriptions and relevant experience from the past five years on similar projects – [Name of assignee]
    • 1.1b Audits
    • Copies of audit results from the past two fiscal periods – [Name of assignee]

Rating Factor 2

  • 2.1 Need and Extent of Problem
    • 2.1a Narrative section: Need and viability – [Name of assignee]

Create a complete outline for your particular grant and add assignee names like in this example. This process helps ensure that nothing falls through the cracks and that your finished proposal will exactly echo what the funder is looking for.

7. Schedule

Compile all of the requirements and assignments into a comprehensive schedule. Determine due dates for individual sections and attachments based on the grant application’s final deadline (ideally aiming to get everything completed several days before the final deadline).

During the meeting, you can update any assignee names as needed but try to avoid drastically reworking your timeframes. As the grant writing lead, you’re in charge of overseeing the big picture of the project and keeping it on track.

Schedule of Deadlines for Grant Requirements

Sample calendar template for grant kickoff meeting, listing key deadlines and meeting dates

Note the inclusion of team meetings—use the calendar to centralize all relevant deadlines, meetings, and other details that the grant team will need on their radar.

A simple table or spreadsheet will work fine at this stage. You may come up with your own abbreviation or color-coding system to keep the schedule from becoming visually overwhelming, but ensure that everyone is aligned on what the system means, perhaps by including a key. You should also make sure that the calendar is easily accessible by everyone. Provide team members with both printed and digital versions of the finalized calendar.

8. Questions and next steps

In this final section of your kickoff meeting agenda, leave some time for questions that haven’t yet been covered.

You should also clearly spell out the next steps for team members, including the first upcoming deadlines, who to send which deliverables to, and the date and time of the next team check-in meeting, if it’s been determined.

Next Steps

  • Next meeting: [Date and time]
    • [Or, create an action item to decide on a date as a team.]
  • Send all deliverables to: [Name and email address]
  • First deliverables due:
    • [Deliverable – Assignee name – Deadline]

Remember, clear communication will create a smoother overall grant writing process. Very explicitly spell out what you need to progress, and encourage all team members to stay responsive to requests and questions from one another as the project moves forward.

The importance of project management for grant writing

As you can tell from the kickoff meeting process, grant writing requires the right approach. Project management, a collection of logistical and decision-making skills that encompasses organization, communication, task and time management, and more, is a critical but often overlooked asset for grant writers.

For long-term success as a nonprofit professional or grant freelancer, you need the right approach and resources, like the examples in this guide. Get familiar with the components of a kickoff meeting and why it’s such a valuable exercise, and then adapt this recommended process to best suit your organization’s needs.

Stay mindful, keep improving as you go, and get ready to write a winning proposal.

When you think about capital campaigns, you might picture your team spending hours on research, shifting all your attention to major donors, and trudging through months of non-stop fundraising. The good news: It doesn’t have to be this way.

Capital campaigns can be joyous, community-driven endeavors that rally your entire support base around a project that will make a clear difference to your mission. It’s not just about fundraising—capital campaigns are about building excitement, momentum, and lasting communal support for your cause.

Achieving these results, however, takes plenty of preparation and thorough campaign planning. In this article, we’ll cover five important steps your nonprofit should take before you start fundraising to set your capital campaign on the path to success.

1. Partner with a fundraising consultant.

Fundraising consultants are invaluable assets to your capital campaign, especially if your organization has never launched one before. A consultant who specializes in capital campaigns can take your organization through every step of the process, providing expert, tailored advice along the way.

Specifically, they can help you with:

  • An internal assessment or feasibility study. Whether you choose to conduct a traditional feasibility study or a more transparent internal assessment, a consultant can guide you through the process and help you analyze the results.

  • Campaign planning and strategy. Get expert advice on your campaign’s goals, budget, timeline, fundraising strategy, events, and more.

  • Prospect research. Consultants with access to professional prospect research databases and wealth screening tools can identify, research, and target the prospective major donors who are most likely to give to your campaign.

  • Major gift cultivation and solicitation. After identifying the most likely major giving prospects, your consultant can create personalized donor cultivation plans and provide major gift solicitation tips.

When hiring a capital campaign consultant, remember that you’ll be working with your chosen expert for an extended period (potentially multiple years). It’s essential to consider factors like value alignment and communication styles in addition to prospective consultants’ services and areas of expertise.

Partner with a consultant you’ll enjoy working with—someone who will put your organization’s mission and values at the heart of their campaign strategy.

2. Analyze your past fundraisers.

Since capital campaigns are large-scale fundraising endeavors, it’s worthwhile to assess your organization’s current fundraising practices and identify areas for improvement. By improving your processes now, your team will be in a better position to succeed throughout your capital campaign and beyond.

With your consultant’s help, dive deep into your database and analyze your organization’s past fundraising data. Historically, where has your team struggled most? Have your biggest challenges been related to your team’s capacity, major gift solicitation, donor retention, or something else?

Once you know where to improve, take steps to make your fundraising team more efficient, effective, and confident before you start fundraising.

3. Identify and interview key stakeholders.

Traditionally, interviewing stakeholders is part of a feasibility study designed to determine whether your capital campaign can realistically meet your goals. However, many organizations find this approach outdated, opting instead to have open conversations about the campaign with key stakeholders to gather insights, strengthen relationships, and boost excitement for the project.

To gauge opinions and energize potential supporters, ask major donors, community leaders, and other important stakeholders questions like:

  • How do you feel about our organization’s vision for the future?

  • Do you think this campaign is relevant and important to our mission?

  • What do you think are our nonprofit’s strengths and challenges?

  • How high does our organization fall on your list of charitable priorities right now?

  • Can you see yourself contributing to this capital campaign? At what giving level?

The answers to these questions will give you an idea of the support your organization can expect for the campaign. When you lead these conversations yourself, you can also use them as an opportunity to test and refine your case for support. According to NXUnite by Nexus Marketing, it’s important to take supporters’ insight into consideration and make your case for support as appealing to their motivations as possible.

4. Obtain buy-in from board members.

Once you’ve done sufficient research and have solidified the core elements of your capital campaign (like messaging, initial timelines, potential lead donors, etc.), it’s time to get approval from your board. This is a crucial step to take before collecting any campaign donations. Make sure your board members have a thorough understanding of what the campaign will look like, how much support you can expect, the resources needed, and their own responsibilities.

To secure board buy-in, you might need to:

  • Share the detailed results of your internal assessment or feasibility study.

  • Provide initial campaign resources, like a budget, timeline, and case for support.

  • Explain the vision for the campaign and how it will drive your mission forward.

  • Create capital campaign committees (i.e., a planning and steering committee) and assign committee members if you haven’t already.

  • Set expectations for board member involvement and contributions to the capital campaign.

  • Discuss any major gift commitments you’ve received or can realistically expect to get.

Securing board buy-in on such a large project can be challenging, so don’t be afraid to lean on your consultant during this process. Ask them if they’d be willing to join a board meeting and discuss your plans for the campaign with board members. They’ll have valuable insight into your organization’s specific needs and common challenges that nonprofits like yours face when running capital campaigns.

5. Build up your community.

According to Donorly’s capital campaign guide, “organizations can achieve better, longer-lasting results when they take a community activation approach to capital campaigns.”

Major donors are not the only key players to be concerned with—what truly drives your mission forward is your community. After your capital campaign ends, your community members will be the ones to step up and fund the maintenance of your new building, use your new programs or services, and sustain your nonprofit long-term.

That’s why it’s essential to spend time building up your community and cementing your organization’s value to community members before you start fundraising for your capital campaign. You might do this by hosting regular events, reaching out to community leaders, or working to promote your cause to new audiences.

All of this work will help you raise more funds for your capital campaign once you’re ready to enter the quiet phase. However, this isn’t to say you can’t discuss giving at all with excited donors. If a lead donor is excited about the campaign and feels ready to dive in, collect a verbal commitment instead of accepting the donation now. This way, you’ll have the knowledge, buy-in, and pre-committed support to build a strong foundation for your capital campaign.

Nonprofit Cloud (NPC) is a Salesforce product designed for nonprofit organizations, offering a suite of tools tailored to their needs. Built into the Salesforce platform core, it is compatible with other Salesforce products, apps, and integrations. For example, you might integrate it with Experience Cloud or Marketing Cloud Account Engagement (MCAE) to create personalized, interactive experiences and communications.

NPC’s data model makes this flexibility and interoperability possible. Whether you’ve never used Salesforce before or are thinking about switching from NPSP to Nonprofit Cloud, it’s essential to understand data models and how they impact your CRM.

In this guide, we’ll explore data model basics and the benefits NPC’s data model offers.

What is a data model?

A data model organizes and structures data, standardizing how various elements relate to one another. Without one, data would be disorganized and virtually unusable. For example, a nonprofit might leverage standard Salesforce objects like “Contacts” to track information about donors, volunteers, and other supporters.

Data models give your information meaning and make it easy to identify trends and relationships. Within Salesforce, data models are built on these basic elements:

  • Records, which are the pieces of data stored in fields. So, the category “Donor Name” would be the field, and the name “Anna Smith” would be the record.
  • Fields, which are data elements stored within an object. The Gift Entry object contains fields like campaign ID, date of transaction, gift amount, and donor contact information.
  • Objects, which serve as tables or containers for information. For example, a Gift Entry object would contain information about a specific gift. Salesforce offers standard objects, which are pre-built and included in the system, and custom objects, which nonprofits can create to record information unique to their organization.

Using these elements, your CRM organizes your data. When you collect new data or generate a data report, your CRM will be able to locate the correct information by identifying the objects, fields, and records you need.

What are the benefits of NPC’s data model?

Each Salesforce solution uses data elements to structure information, and those structures can be set up differently to address various needs. For example, Fíonta clarifies that Nonprofit Success Pack (NPSP) is a collection of apps configured to meet nonprofit needs while NPC is an Industry Cloud built on the Salesforce platform core. These differences have implications for each solution’s data model.

While NPSP operates using a single data model, NPC’s complex system requires separate data models for each of its features, including fundraising, program management, and more.

Centralized data.

NPC’s data model and its status as an Industry Cloud make it easy to connect with other Salesforce products. This means that no matter what Salesforce tools you use to engage supporters, whether through your website or a third-party SMS marketing tool, you can funnel that data directly to your CRM.

Data consolidation can enhance security and data hygiene, which Deep Sync defines as “the practice of making sure the information you collect is correct.” Because staff won’t need to transfer data manually, you can reduce instances of input errors, duplicate entries, data silos, and outdated information. For added protection, Salesforce offers tools that can automatically audit and clean datasets.

Enhanced compatibility.

NPC’s data model pairs seamlessly with other Salesforce products, offers extensive customization options, and provides a scalable architecture. This means organizations using NPC can:

  • Integrate their platform smoothly with other Industry Clouds
  • Access common components like OmniStudio
  • Provide consistent, streamlined user experiences
  • Report on and analyze data consistently
  • Improve collaboration and efficiency across teams, even if they use different NPC systems or other Salesforce tools

Nonprofit Cloud also makes integrating with third-party tools easy. Select from the native and integrated solutions on the AppExchange to fill any gaps in your platform. To manage complex integrations or get guidance on selecting apps, consider working with a technology consultant.

Significant flexibility and customization options.

Because NPC is designed for nonprofits, it is well-equipped to manage most nonprofit operations. However, your organization likely faces unique challenges or has special, program-specific workflows that customization can assist with.

For instance, if a nonprofit conducts outreach and enhances donor development through regular community events, it might create custom objects to track the success of those events. Along with these objects, the organization could create new automated workflows and build custom dashboards.

Keep in mind that there is such a thing as too much customization. Adding too many custom elements could impact the platform’s ability to work well with other apps and clouds. This can result in technical debt, or the cost of reworking your solution in the future as a result of choosing the faster solution over the more effective and sustainable one. Use custom objects sparingly, and exhaust the list of standard and included objects first.

Another option is to look for apps built on the Salesforce platform. For example, NPC doesn’t offer dedicated volunteer management or event registration tools. Rather than spending time and resources cobbling together a custom solution, look for a quality third-party app that integrates with Salesforce.

Ease of use for staff members.

NPC can save your staff members’ time and energy. The platform offers guided flows, or automated workflows that streamline repetitive tasks like recurring gift entry. Because NPC is designed for nonprofits, it provides out-of-the-box features for core nonprofit processes. Additionally, unified data makes analyzing trends simple and ensures your insights are accurate.

When a solution is easy to use and fits into or improves existing workflows, staff members will be much more likely to adopt the technology. If you plan to implement or migrate to NPC, work with a specialized Salesforce consultant. They can help you train staff, encourage adoption, and learn ways to boost efficiency and maximize your CRM investment.

Salesforce also offers its own free training resources and communities, such as the Salesforce Trailhead.

Nonprofit Cloud is a powerful, comprehensive tool designed specifically for nonprofit organizations, and it’s data model offers unique advantages over other nonprofit CRMs. Using the knowledge in this guide, your organization can take full advantage of NPC, enhance its data quality and security, boost efficiency and collaboration, and create a tailored system that grows with you.

It’s no secret that year-end giving is critical to nonprofits’ success. Research shows that 30% of annual charitable donations occur in December, and 10% of contributions happen in the last three days of the year!

This end-of-year giving surge is the perfect opportunity for your nonprofit to strengthen its relationships with donors and set itself up to retain their support for another year. To maximize supporter engagement opportunities during this season of generosity, consider supplementing your usual annual giving initiatives with fresh year-end and holiday fundraising ideas.

In this guide, we’ll discuss five of our favorite year-end fundraisers, many of which involve activities your supporters may already participate in during the holiday season. Let’s dive in!

1. Online Shopping Fundraiser

During the holiday season, shopping becomes increasingly popular as people buy everything from decorations to gifts to items that will help them execute their New Year’s resolutions. Consider giving your supporters a way to contribute to your nonprofit and shop more ethically by launching an online shopping fundraiser!

During an online shopping fundraiser, your organization earns a portion of your supporters’ sales totals when they make purchases at participating e-commerce businesses. You can launch this campaign in three simple steps:

  • Partner with an online shopping fundraiser platform—they’ll walk you through setting up your campaign and provide the app your supporters will use to automatically contribute to your organization as they shop.
  • Promote your fundraiser across all of your nonprofit’s print and digital marketing channels so supporters know how to participate.
  • Track your results so you can improve your marketing strategies throughout the holiday season and thank participants for their individual contributions.

Online shopping fundraisers cost nothing to run, and the best programs will provide support throughout the whole process, from handling retailer negotiations to designing marketing materials. Plus, you can leave your fundraiser open after the holiday season ends so participants can continue to support your cause with their purchases all year long!

2. Gift Card Fundraising

Your nonprofit can also tap into holiday gift-giving through gift card fundraising. Similar to an online shopping fundraiser, supporters buy gift cards to popular retailers and restaurants, and a portion of their purchase goes directly to your organization. While the end of the year is an especially good time to launch a gift card fundraiser, this also works as a year-round campaign since supporters will likely need to purchase gifts throughout the year for birthdays, graduations, weddings, and various other occasions.

ShopRaise’s gift card fundraising guide recommends choosing digital gift cards over physical ones for your organization’s fundraiser because supporters can receive them via email within minutes of purchase rather than having to wait for them to come in the mail. Then, they can give the gift card to its intended recipient simply by forwarding the email.

Supporters may also purchase fundraising gift cards for themselves so they can give back to a good cause while eating out or doing their own shopping. If your nonprofit runs a gift card fundraiser and online shopping fundraiser concurrently, a shopper can buy a gift card and then use it to pay for their purchases through your online shopping fundraiser, thereby contributing even more to your mission!

3. Virtual Silent Auction

Put a competitive twist on your supporters’ online holiday shopping with a virtual silent auction! Online auctions take the excitement of a traditional silent auction and make it more convenient for supporters since they can participate from anywhere. They’re also more cost effective for your nonprofit, although you should invest in auction-specific fundraising software to make your event go as smoothly as possible.

In addition to choosing an auction platform, some other key steps for organizing a virtual silent auction include:

  • Setting clear goals for supporter participation and revenue generation.
  • Securing corporate sponsorships to help offset the event’s upfront costs.
  • Procuring a variety of prizes that appeal to your supporters’ interests, from gift baskets to event tickets to vacation packages.
  • Marketing your auction early and often to maximize signup opportunities.

Make sure to collect data during your event so you can analyze it to determine whether you achieved your goals, and make informed decisions when planning future auctions.

4. Holiday eCards

If supporters purchase holiday gifts for their friends and family via your nonprofit’s online shopping, gift card, or virtual auction fundraisers, they may want to buy greeting cards to go with them. With a holiday-season charity eCard fundraiser, you can help them do just that!

To launch your eCard fundraiser, follow these basic steps:

  • Choose an eCard platform that makes it easy for nonprofits to create and sell their own designs.
  • Design a variety of holiday cards featuring your organization’s branding and mission-related imagery where appropriate (for example, an animal shelter might use photos of dogs and cats in holiday-themed costumes surrounded by seasonal decor).
  • Sell your designs by embedding the cards into your digital donation page or adding them to your nonprofit’s online store, and raise funds with each purchase!

In addition to fundraising during the holidays, eCardWidget recommends using your nonprofit’s eCard platform to send eye-catching event invitations and thank donors for their year-end gifts. You can also turn this into a year-round fundraiser by designing eCards for various holidays, birthdays, and other special occasions.

5. In-Kind Donation Drive

While many supporters probably want to buy items during the holiday season, some may also want to declutter their homes heading into the new year or simply give back in a tangible way. Your nonprofit can cater to these individuals by hosting an in-kind donation drive.

As you plan your year-end in-kind donation drive, you have a few options. First, determine what kinds of goods to request from supporters, such as supplies for a program you plan to launch in the new year or items to give to community members in need during the holiday season (food, winter clothes, children’s gifts, etc.). Then, decide whether to collect these goods in person by designating drop-off locations around your area or host your fundraiser virtually by creating an online wishlist so supporters can ship items directly to you.

No matter your approach, make sure to establish clear guidelines about the types and conditions of in-kind donations your nonprofit can and can’t accept. For example, you might state that donated food can’t be opened or expired, or that you’ll only take new, unwrapped toys for your holiday gift drive. These rules reduce the risk of receiving unusable or hazardous items and can help you explain to supporters why you may not be able to accept some of their generous gifts.

For all of these year-end fundraisers, prompt, personalized donor appreciation is critical. By showing supporters that your nonprofit recognizes and values their individual contributions, you’ll be more likely to retain them into the new year and beyond. Happy fundraising!

What makes nonprofit marketing and outreach effective? Is it emotional appeals, demonstrations of your organization’s expertise, or personalized content that aligns with each donor’s interests?

The answer is all of the above, but one key element is missing: demonstrating impact. Funders, from individual donors to grantmakers to corporations, want to support nonprofit organizations they know are making a tangible difference. As such, your nonprofit needs to have strategies in place for proving and showing off your impact.

In this guide, we’ll explore three methods for connecting with your organization’s funders to demonstrate your nonprofit’s impact.

1. Create annual reports.

Annual reports are documents that compile a nonprofit organization’s activities, projects, and initiatives at the end of a year. These reports allow stakeholders, such as funders, to understand what your organization has accomplished throughout the year.

Essentially, annual reports are yearly opportunities to showcase your nonprofit’s impact. However, be aware that creating these documents can be a significant undertaking that requires having mature data collection practices, sophisticated graphic design skills, and an understanding of your audience’s interests, questions, and concerns.

To create your annual report, be sure to:

  • Keep track of program information. Accurate reporting requires accurate data. Ensure all of your programs have reliable data collection strategies in place, such as using case management software to document data points and monitor program outputs. Your annual report is an opportunity to share this data and point toward long-term outcomes. For example, an environmental organization might report a program output of removing 100 lbs. of garbage from local rivers and the outcome of creating healthy ecosystems by reducing heavy metals, like arsenic, and other pollutants.
  • Make data visualizations. Make your data accessible by including visualizations. Add graphics and infographics like pie charts, graphs, and comparison charts. Be sure to pair each data visual with an explanation interpreting the results. Additionally, consider adding the raw data to your annual report or making it available in a separate report for those curious.
  • Create multiple versions. Annual reports can be long, and many nonprofits create several versions of their annual report for different audiences. For example, a nonprofit might create full-scale physical copies to mail to major donors, an abridged online version to be used in marketing, and a detailed technical report available for those who need a greater breakdown, like grantmakers.

Additionally, consider creating impact reports. In contrast to annual reports, impact reports are for specific programs and are usually geared toward that program’s funders. For example, if your organization receives a grant for a program, many grantmakers will require an impact report detailing the program’s outcomes and how their funding was used.

Let’s break down the elements of these documents:

  • Executive summary
  • Organizational or program goals
  • Key activities
  • Outcomes
  • Testimonials or client stories
  • Challenges and opportunities
  • Finances

Ultimately, an impact report should explain what your nonprofit attempted to accomplish (program goals), what programs it launched or improved (key activities), and what the results of those programs were (outcomes). To provide evidence of the report results, nonprofits should also include examples and feedback from participants (testimonials). Nonprofits should also maintain transparency by reporting any issues that may have impacted results and how they overcame or plan to combat them in the future (challenges).

Additionally, in funder-centric reports, nonprofits should report how their funding was used (finances). Along with maintaining transparency and fulfilling grant requirements, providing reliable impact reports can help nonprofits secure support from that same funder again in the future.

2. Share impact stories.

Marketing statistics show that people remember stories 22 times more than facts alone. While facts and data are important, statistics alone may be hard to visualize, in contrast to stories that provide examples of what your work looks like in practice.

To demonstrate impact, pair your hard data with stories that showcase the difference your nonprofit makes in its beneficiaries’ lives. Create impact stories by:

  • Conducting interviews. Reach out to beneficiaries who are willing to share their stories. Record these interviews to get their exact words and ask permission to use their name, words, and photo in your marketing materials and impact reports. For some types of nonprofits, such as health-related organizations, your interviewees may wish to share their stories anonymously.
  • Considering your message. Before constructing your impact story, consider what message you want to get across to your audience. You might seek to build an emotional connection, present your cause as urgent, or frame your nonprofit’s services as transformative.
  • Writing the story. Use the interviews you compiled to construct an impact story. When it comes to quoting beneficiaries and describing specific details, be truthful. While you can expand on some parts of a story to create a better reading experience, the facts of the story should be accurate to reality.

Create several impact stories that focus on different beneficiaries, aspects of your nonprofit, and tones. Then, choose which stories match your target funders. For example, in an impact report, you would primarily want to showcase feedback that focuses on your nonprofit’s programs rather than stories about your organization as a whole.

3. Provide tours.

Some funders may appreciate the opportunity to physically see the impact your nonprofit is making with their own eyes. As such, consider offering groups of funders tours of your nonprofit’s facilities and program sites.

To host a successful tour, consider these strategies:

  • Offer virtual and in-person options. Some funders may have busy schedules and be unable to attend a tour. Make your tours flexible by arranging both virtual and in-person options based on the funders’ preferences.
  • Host a Q&A. Be ready to answer questions throughout your tour and consider dedicating time after the tour concludes specifically to answer questions.
  • Plan a post-tour lunch with your staff. After the tour concludes, host a lunch where members of your tour group mingle and talk directly with members of your nonprofit’s staff. Be sure to brief your staff on the tour guests ahead of time so they are prepared to discuss their work effectively with funders.

In some cases, specific funders may request private tours as part of their support. For example, a corporate sponsor might want to tour the venue for an event you’re hosting or a member of a foundation may tour program sites as part of the grant follow-up process.

Whether your nonprofit wants to increase donations from individuals, secure corporate support, or fulfill its grant obligations, demonstrating impact is essential. The first step to showcasing your impact is keeping careful records of what your programs are doing and analyzing that data to define long-term outcomes. Invest in the tools you need to track your data so you can successfully share your impact with funders.

As a nonprofit professional, putting every dollar raised toward your cause is tempting. However, money and resources aren’t the only determinants of your success. After all, the effectiveness of your funds hinges on how well they are utilized—in other words, you need the right team to allocate resources effectively.

That’s why investing in your recruiting strategy is a game-changer, especially for nonprofits that don’t have a centralized strategy. After all, you don’t need a large budget to execute winning recruitment practices and track relevant data. In this guide, we’ll review recruitment do’s and don’ts for organizations with tight budgets.

Do: Use a Small Business ATS

If you haven’t allocated resources towards recruiting, chances are you haven’t considered elevating your recruitment approach with custom tools. You might think you don’t need a dedicated solution and continue relying on free tools like Google Sheets. While this is an acceptable recruiting process as you adjust your budget, you’ll need custom tools to scale up your hiring efforts. That’s where an applicant tracking system (ATS) comes in.

An ATS is a type of software built to centralize recruiting data to give you a full picture of your candidates and processes at any given moment. For instance, you can use an ATS to:

  • Communicate with candidates
  • Store candidate information in profiles
  • Visualize where your candidates are in the hiring funnel
  • Create reports based on recruiting data

Even nonprofits with small budgets can benefit from using an ATS. Solutions like JazzHR are built for small businesses and charitable organizations, meaning you can achieve your hiring goals without a major financial investment.

Do: Use Volunteer Networks

As nonprofit marketers know, word-of-mouth is a great promotional channel, especially when endorsements come from people passionate about your mission. This makes members of your volunteer program perfect contenders to not only apply for your open positions but also spread awareness about your recruitment to others.

Before you turn your volunteers loose to promote your recruitment efforts, keep the following best practices in mind:

  • Ask volunteers with connections to help. Let’s say you represent a nonprofit that provides low-cost sports camps to at-risk youth. If you have volunteers who are teachers, communicate with them separately to ask if they know any gym teachers or educators passionate about sports who would be interested in joining your organization.
  • Provide a cheat sheet. Having many voices for your cause can be a blessing and a curse—you can cover more ground, but information can get lost in translation. Clearly articulate the details and talking points of your open roles in an easily digestible cheat sheet so everyone’s on the same page.
  • Attribute leads to the volunteer. Understanding which demographics pull the most leads will help you refine recruitment efforts down the line. Just ensure you use an applicant tracking system to easily pull actionable insights from your datasets.

Whether your volunteers source qualified candidates or not, be sure you thank them for their time and effort and emphasize the impact their work has on your mission.

Do: Leverage Referrals

Your employees are another group you can tap into for recruitment purposes. As members of the team, they can provide candidates with useful perspectives about what it’s like to work for your nonprofit.

To incentivize your employees to spread the word, consider using a rewards-based referral program. Here’s how these programs usually work:

  1. The employee identifies a good fit from their network of colleagues, friends, and family, based on their traits and skills.
  2. The employee sends the individual the link to your job application form, asking the candidate to put them down as their referrer.
  3. The candidate undergoes the interview and hiring process.
  4. If the candidate joins the nonprofit, the employee gets a reward.

Establish clear expectations and guidelines for your referral program before rolling it out. For instance, set a cap on the number of rewards an employee can receive and what kinds of rewards you’re offering. This could range from an extra day of paid time off to a small bonus to a gift card to a popular local restaurant.

Don’t: Overlook Your Employer Brand

Your employer brand is how your nonprofit’s workplace environment is perceived by outsiders.

Much like the brand you leverage for marketing or fundraising, your employer brand should reflect your nonprofit’s values. Unlike your fundraising brand, though, the focus is your company culture rather than your beneficiaries.

To gauge your current employer brand, you can survey your employees and use workplace review sites like GlassDoor to pinpoint common praises and complaints from staff. You can then enhance your employer brand with  employee feedback, pinpointing any areas for improvement, and working with employees to progress your workplace over time.

Don’t: Rely on Monetary Benefits

In the current hiring landscape, candidates aren’t just interested in salary as a benefit. In fact, 81% of employees said an employer’s benefits package (meaning more than just salary) is an important factor in whether or not they accept a job. Here are some other benefits you should consider promoting:

  • Paid time off
  • Designated sick time
  • Workplace giving opportunities
  • Sabbatical opportunities
  • Parental leave
  • Professional development opportunities
  • Flexible working schedule or format

Even if you can’t offer these benefits now, you can still prioritize them in your future plans. For example, you might decide to begin offering 20 paid days off annually rather than 15, starting next year.

If you’re constrained by your budget, you might not be able to take on all of these strategies right away, and that’s okay. However, if you’re to start doing one thing immediately, it’s to stop compromising on organizational fit. No matter which talent acquisition strategies you use to find candidates, the very best additions to your team will be those who resonate with your story and are passionate about your mission. As long as you have that baseline, your recruitment strategies will fall into place over time.

Innovations in technology have presented nonprofits with new opportunities to boost event registrations and engagement. By harnessing the power of various digital tools and platforms, your nonprofit can streamline its registration process, expand its reach, and ultimately increase event attendance. 

In this guide, we’ll explore several strategies for using technology to secure more registrations and set your next event up for success.

1. Optimize Your Event Website

Your event website is often the first point of contact for interested attendees, so it’s essential to make a strong impression. Several ways to do so include:

  • Making your website mobile-responsive: With a significant portion of users accessing websites through smartphones and tablets, a mobile-friendly design is no longer optional. A responsive website adjusts seamlessly to different screen sizes, providing a smooth browsing experience, whether on a desktop, tablet, or smartphone.
  • Incorporating attention-grabbing calls to action (CTAs): Your CTA buttons should be prominently displayed and easy to find. Use direct and compelling language to encourage visitors to take immediate action, whether that’s registering, learning more about the event, or sharing it with their network.
  • Sharing clear and concise event information: Highlight the value of attending, along with key details such as the date, time, location, and main attractions of your event. Accompany this information with high-quality images and videos from past events to give potential attendees a better idea of what to expect. 

As with any of your nonprofit’s content, make sure your event page is branded to your organization. By featuring your logo and colors consistently, you can build trust and increase brand recognition among current and potential supporters.

2. Leverage the Power of Email Marketing Automation

Email marketing remains one of the most effective tools for promoting events, especially when automated to deliver targeted messages at the right time. Here’s how to maximize its impact:

  • Personalized Invitations: Go beyond just using the recipient’s name. Tailor your content based on their previous interactions with your organization. For instance, if they attended a similar event in the past, mention it and highlight what’s new or improved this time.
  • Drip Campaigns: Develop a series of automated emails that gradually provide more information and incentives to potential attendees. These could include reminders of the event date, highlights of key speakers, and testimonials from past events.
  • Audience Segmentation: Divide your email list into segments based on criteria like past attendance, interests, or donation history. This allows for more targeted messaging, increasing the relevance and effectiveness of your emails.

In addition to these strategies, consistently track your email performance. Monitor open rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates to gain insights into what’s working and make necessary adjustments to refine your strategy for future events.

3. Expand Your Reach with Social Media Platforms

Social media makes it easy for your nonprofit to reach a wide audience when promoting your events. To tap into the full potential of these platforms, consider:

  • Creating event pages on platforms like Facebook and LinkedIn to centralize information and foster community engagement. These pages allow you to post updates, share multimedia content, and interact directly with potential attendees. Encourage RSVPs, comments, and shares to increase visibility.
  • Leveraging hashtags by developing a unique, memorable one for your event and using it consistently across all posts. Encourage followers to use the hashtag when sharing event-related content, building a sense of community and enhancing discoverability.
  • Running ad campaigns on platforms such as Facebook and Instagram to reach new audiences. By targeting specific demographics, interests, or locations, you can create ads that connect with the most relevant potential attendees.

Keep your audience engaged by regularly sharing updates, behind-the-scenes content, and teasers leading up to the event. Hosting live Q&A sessions or virtual previews can spark further interest among your audience and address any questions they may have.

4. Streamline the Registration Process

Having a smooth and convenient registration process can significantly enhance the user experience and reduce drop-offs. Offer multiple payment options, such as credit cards, PayPal, and digital wallets, to accommodate various preferences and increase the likelihood of completed registrations.

Incentivize early sign-ups with group registration options and early bird discounts. Group discounts encourage organizations or friends to attend together, while early bird pricing creates a sense of urgency to register.

Leverage event registration tools that integrate with your constituent relationship management system (CRM) to easily track and manage attendee data for more efficient follow-up. After registration, send instant confirmation emails with essential event information such as venue details and schedules to prepare attendees for an engaging experience.

5. Enhance Convenience with QR Codes

QR codes provide a simple yet effective way to improve various aspects of your event, from registration to on-site navigation. Attendees can easily scan these codes with a smartphone to instantly access digital content related to your event.

Include QR codes on all your printed promotional materials, such as flyers, posters, and brochures. Scanning the code can take potential attendees directly to your registration page, making it easier for them to sign up on the spot.

At the event itself, use QR codes to facilitate a contactless check-in process. Attendees can scan their codes at the entrance to quickly confirm their registration and gain entry, reducing wait times.

You can also use QR codes to provide easy access to important event information, such as schedules, maps, and speaker bios. Display these codes throughout the venue to help attendees navigate the event and stay informed.

6. Provide Instant Support with Chatbots

Incorporating chatbots into your event website can significantly enhance the user experience by providing instant support and answering common questions. You can program chatbots to handle a wide range of inquiries, from providing details about the event schedule to assisting with the registration process. This 24/7 availability ensures that potential attendees can get the information they need, even outside of your staff’s regular hours.

A well-designed chatbot can guide visitors through the entire registration process, answering any questions that arise and helping to resolve any issues that might prevent them from completing their registration. This level of support can lead to higher conversion rates and a more positive overall experience for your attendees.

Additionally, chatbots can collect valuable data on user inquiries, which can help you identify common pain points or areas where your website content might need improvement. This feedback loop allows you to continually refine your approach and enhance the user experience over time.

7. Expand Your Audience with Virtual or Hybrid Events

Planning virtual or hybrid events can significantly expand your reach, allowing you to engage with audiences who might not be able to attend in person.

Livestreaming key sessions or activities is a great way to include remote attendees in your event. You can use Zoom, YouTube, or dedicated virtual event platforms to broadcast your event to a global audience. Ensure that your virtual attendees have access to the same high-quality content as those attending in person, with opportunities for direct interaction and engagement.

Hybrid events, which combine in-person and virtual elements, offer the best of both worlds. Attendees can choose the format that best suits their needs, whether it’s joining in person for the full experience or participating virtually from anywhere in the world. Hybrid events also provide flexibility in case of unexpected circumstances, such as travel restrictions or health concerns.

Look for virtual event platforms that offer features like breakout rooms and live chat functions to create a rich and engaging experience for all attendees. This not only increases participation but also provides additional opportunities for sponsors to connect with a wider audience.

8. Engage and Motivate with Gamification

Gamification is a creative way to boost engagement and drive registrations by adding interactive, game-like elements to the registration process. Here are some effective strategies:

  • Early Registration Rewards: Offer incentives such as discounts, exclusive content, or VIP experiences for those who register early. These rewards create urgency and motivate quicker sign-ups.
  • Referral Programs: Encourage current registrants to refer others by offering incentives for each new attendee they bring in. This not only increases registrations but also fosters a sense of community among participants.
  • Points System: Implement a points system where attendees earn points for actions like sharing event content on social media, participating in pre-event challenges, or attending webinars. They can then redeem these points for rewards or use them to unlock special experiences at the event.

By incorporating these gamification strategies, you can make the registration process more engaging and rewarding, leading to higher attendance and a more connected community.

By embracing these technology strategies, your nonprofit can boost its event registrations and plan more successful, impactful events. From optimizing your online presence to leveraging the latest in digital engagement tools, these approaches can help you reach a wider audience, streamline your processes, and ultimately further your organization’s mission.

While technology offers powerful tools to enhance your event, it’s essential to remember that the true heart of your event lies in your nonprofit’s mission and the community you serve. Use these digital strategies to amplify your message and grow your nonprofit’s event registrations.

As a nonprofit professional, you know that every donor counts. That’s why you employ a variety of strategies, from email newsletters to fundraising events, to keep them invested in your mission. Donors give to your organization because they’re passionate and believe in your cause. However, retaining them can be challenging. According to Bloomerang, the average donor retention rate for nonprofits hovers around 45%.

To nurture authentic, lasting relationships with your donors, you need to leverage a channel that’s built for personal, one-on-one communication: text messaging. In fact, according to Tatango, over 20% of donations come from text messages and nonprofits earn an average of $5 for every $1 spent on text messaging.

If your nonprofit is ready to make the most of this innovative and impactful channel, use these tips to construct your strategy.

1. Choose comprehensive nonprofit text messaging software.

To get and stay in touch with your nonprofit’s community, you need to equip your team with the tools it needs to send regular, effective messages. That’s where nonprofit text messaging software comes in. When used as part of an omnichannel campaign, nonprofits can see an increased return on investment across all channels.

To find a solution that fits your nonprofit’s needs, look out for these key features:

  • A2P (Application to Person) messaging. Once supporters have opted into receiving text messages from your nonprofit, use A2P messaging to send mass texts that can reach everyone in your contact list at once. This way, you can ensure that you’re not leaving any important audience members out of your communications.
  • Text-to-donate. Using your text platform, you should be able to create a custom keyword that donors can text to make a gift. They’ll then receive a link to your donation form, which they can conveniently fill out on their mobile device.
  • Secure sending. Donors need to know that their privacy and data are protected. When choosing the right nonprofit text messaging software, ask questions about the security of the platform. Your best bet is to find a platform that is SOC-2 compliant, the highest level of security.
  • Segmentation. Send only the most relevant messages to your supporters through segmentation. Group them by factors such as location, past donation history, or event attendance to make each recipient feel valued and strengthen your connection with them. 
  • A/B testing. Your supporters will tell you how they want your organization to communicate with them. All you have to do is listen. Your text platform should allow you to use A/B testing in your campaigns to learn more about supporters’ preferences.

After you’ve found a suitable solution for your nonprofit, put together a subscriber list, ensuring that you receive prior consent to remain compliant with the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA).

2. Personalize each text message.

When donors receive text messages from your nonprofit, they want to feel as though you’re addressing them individually, not as a generic source of revenue. While your text messages should be short, you should still tailor them to the recipient.

Segment your subscriber list and reference relevant details from your database when sending messages, such as:

  • Preferred name
  • Location
  • Engagement history
  • Past giving
  • Programs or areas of interest

Use your platform to schedule text messages at times when your supporters are most likely to see them, such as afternoons or on weekends. By monitoring opt-outs, unsubscribes, open rates, click rates, and other key metrics, you can learn the right cadence and frequency for texting your supporters.

 3. Incorporate attention-grabbing visual content.

Your nonprofit’s supporters get involved because they want to play a role in your impact on the community. Incorporate images, videos, and GIFs in your text messages to help them visualize their impact and retain their support.

For example, you could make your text content more eye-catching by including:

  • Images of beneficiaries
  • Snapshots of your volunteers hard at work
  • Emojis relevant to your mission
  • Infographics that illustrate the importance of your cause

Make donors feel empowered to join in on the difference you’re making by sharing uplifting, inspiring visual content and highlighting the role they can play in it all.

4. Include only one call to action per message.

Your nonprofit’s text messages should be short and simple. This means that you shouldn’t overwhelm your audience with too many calls to action (CTAs) per message.

Follow these best practices to inspire your recipients to take action:

  • Only include one CTA per text message.
  • Add a sense of urgency to your CTAs.
  • Share a link to a relevant landing page.

Whether you’re encouraging supporters to make a donation or sign up to volunteer, be sure that your page is mobile-friendly so they can take action directly from their phones.

5. Share a variety of engagement opportunities.

When you text your friends or family members, chances are you’re not sending them the same type of message over and over again. The same applies to your nonprofit’s text messages.

Keep your communications lively and interesting by sharing a variety of engagement opportunities, such as:

  • Signing up to volunteer.
  • Registering for an upcoming fundraising event.
  • Becoming a peer-to-peer fundraising participant.
  • Joining a social media community.

According to Double the Donation, 47% of donors also support nonprofit causes through online raffles or sweepstakes, 45% purchase from an online store benefiting a nonprofit, and 24% give through online auctions. The more opportunities you put in front of your supporters, the more likely they are to engage in the ways that best appeal to them.

Throughout your nonprofit text messaging campaign, keep an eye on metrics such as your open rate and click-through rate to measure the effectiveness of your approach and adjust your tactics as needed. Over time, you’ll be able to share news, inspire action, and retain more donors through text messaging.

Corporate sponsorships are beneficial for nonprofits for various reasons, the largest of which is increased financial support for their mission. Plus, with funding from donors and sponsors, nonprofits will be able to diversify their revenue streams, resulting in a more sustainable financial future.

If you’re looking for tips to secure more sponsorships for your organization, you’re in the right place. With this guide, you’ll be well-equipped to acquire future partnerships, regardless of whether you need them for funding an event, community program, or your next capital campaign.

1. Understand the benefits of sponsorship for businesses.

A sponsorship is a partnership, not a donation, which means that your nonprofit needs to make it worthwhile for potential sponsors. This means offering benefits businesses would find valuable in exchange for their funds. To do that, you need to understand the motivations of organizations that sponsor nonprofits.

Generally, sponsors are looking for the following benefits:

  • Greater brand visibility. According to MassageBook, it’s common for two or more businesses to partner to gain access to the others’ audiences. This means that businesses are specifically looking to sponsor other organizations, like nonprofits, that can increase the visibility of their brand, products, and services, resulting in more customers.
  • Improved reputation. In today’s competitive business environment, companies are constantly on the lookout for opportunities to set themselves apart from their competitors. Supporting a charitable cause will help them improve their reputation as a socially responsible enterprise. Plus, studies have shown that consumers are four to six times more likely to purchase from purpose-driven companies, making a nonprofit partnership even more valuable for businesses.

As you develop your corporate sponsorship strategy, keep these benefits in mind. Focus your communications and proposals on what you can do to form a mutually beneficial partnership that helps you both secure a sustainable financial future.

2. Offer a variety of sponsorship packages.

Sponsorships shouldn’t be one-size-fits-all. Businesses will have different partnership needs and different financial capacities to give. To accommodate these needs, Double the Donation recommends offering various sponsorship levels and packages. Then, potential sponsors can choose how deeply they’d like to get involved with your nonprofit based on these levels.

For best results, clearly outline the benefits your sponsor will receive in exchange for their sponsorship amount. Here’s an example of what you might offer an event sponsor in exchange for their funds:

  • Basic package ($1,000): Acknowledgement of sponsorship in end-of-event thank-you communications.
  • Bronze package ($5,000): Sponsor’s logo added to the event webpage and perk from the previous sponsorship level.
  • Silver package ($10,000): Sponsor’s logo incorporated in event marketing materials, messages, and communications, and all perks from previous sponsorship levels.
  • Gold package ($25,000): Sponsor’s logo prominently displayed on all event materials (including signage and banners), dedicated public thank-you messages on social media posts and email newsletters, complimentary event tickets for company representatives, and all perks from previous sponsorship levels.
  • Platinum package ($50,000): Recognition as a top sponsor of the event, verbal thank-yous during event announcements and in the event’s ending speech, access to VIP events for company representatives, and all perks from previous sponsorship levels.

For instance, a local massage business may be interested in sponsoring your event. However, if they’re newly established, they probably don’t have a lot of extra funds to spare. That’s where your basic sponsorship package comes in—with it, you’ll be able to capture a partnership with this business at a level they’re comfortable with and you benefit from.

3. Thoroughly research potential sponsors.

Unfortunately, not all businesses will be interested in sponsoring your nonprofit. To save your staff members time on proposing sponsorships to organizations that probably won’t be interested, thoroughly research any potential sponsors. In particular, pay attention to if they:

  • Operate in your community. If the business operates in the same community as your nonprofit, this commonality increases the likelihood that they’ll partner with you.
  • Work in a similar vertical. If your nonprofit and the business share a vertical, then it’s likely there’s some overlap between your audiences. A partnership with your organization will give the business another touchpoint with its audience, increasing visibility.
  • Are charitably-inclined. Look for businesses that participate in corporate philanthropy in some way. This could mean they’ve previously sponsored a nonprofit, have a dedicated corporate giving program, or have social good initiatives for their operations.
  • Have the capacity to give. If a business is struggling, its funds will be reserved for its operations. When identifying potential sponsors, look for markers that show the business is doing well and will have extra funds for opportunities such as a nonprofit sponsorship.

Keep an eye out for these generosity indicators to help you determine which businesses are worth pursuing for sponsorships. After you’ve pinpointed a list of qualified candidates, send out sponsorship letters that clearly outline what you and the potential sponsor will receive from your partnership.

4. Don’t overlook in-kind sponsorship.

When most nonprofits discuss sponsorships, they’re usually thinking of receiving funds from businesses. However, in-kind sponsorships can be just as useful and save your nonprofit from spending your hard-earned revenue.

Much like in-kind donations, in-kind sponsorships refer to partnerships where the sponsor provides non-financial benefits like goods or services. This is another way to capture a partnership with an organization that may not have the financial means to sponsor your nonprofit but has other offerings you can benefit from.

For example, let’s say you’re planning a black-tie fundraising gala and you need a suitable event venue. Instead of renting a venue for potentially thousands of dollars, you can contact hotels, country clubs, and other event centers and ask them if they’d be willing to sponsor your event. In exchange for marketing benefits, your nonprofit will be able to use the sponsor’s facilities for free or at a discounted rate.

Or, if your nonprofit is looking to upgrade your tech stack, you may seek out a sponsorship from a company that works in developing business software. Employees from this business can consult with you about your software needs and configure your existing software to better fit your preferences. This is especially helpful if your nonprofit doesn’t employ any particularly tech-savvy staff members.

As you connect with potential sponsors, be sure to steward them just as you would your supporters. Even if a sponsor turns down your request, it’s still worthwhile to stay in communication, as they may be open to a future partnership. For sponsors that accept your request, keep them apprised of the program or event they’re sponsoring. And be sure to update them on how their generosity has impacted your nonprofit!