Entries by Contributor

5 Email Templates Your Nonprofit Should Use to Increase Donations

From phone calls to direct mail to text messaging, there are seemingly countless ways to engage your nonprofit’s supporters. However, one channel stands out as a strong communication tool for garnering support: email. Email marketing is crucial for nonprofit organizations, offering a cost-effective way to personally engage with donors and supporters, share the organization’s impact, […]

How to Build the Church-Home Partnership in Kids’ Ministries

When the time comes to reflect on your children’s ministry and demonstrate its impact on kids’ lives, who do you thank? While your ministry plays a crucial role in supporting kids’ faith, it’s the involvement of families that truly maximizes your impact.  Collaboration between the church and home creates a broader environment where children not […]


One-Off Matching Gifts: Tips, Tools, Templates, and More

One-off matching gifts represent a unique and powerful opportunity for nonprofits to amplify their fundraising efforts. After all, these exclusive partnerships allow companies to match donations made to a specific organization, often within a set timeframe, creating a win-win scenario for both parties. It’s a chance to engage donors, boost contributions, and strengthen corporate relationships. […]

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Using Direct Mail to Generate Interest in Planned Giving

In the age of bloated inboxes and prevalent online scams, direct mail stands out to donors—making it a highly beneficial communication channel for nonprofits. Not only does receiving a letter surprise donors and give them a tangible reminder of your organization, but direct mail also helps you connect with supporters across generational divides. This is especially […]


Dos and Don’ts of Text Fundraising: Avoid Common Pitfalls

Text fundraising is becoming increasingly popular, and for good reason. According to M+R Benchmarks, revenue from mobile messages increased by 14% in 2023, and fundraising mobile messages generated $92 in revenue for every 1,000 messages sent. Although this fundraising method seems simple, you must create a cohesive strategy to maximize donation revenue and provide a […]

An FAQ Guide To Opening A Successful Nonprofit Thrift Store

Picture a shop where people can buy affordable treasures while funding a meaningful mission. Nonprofit thrift stores aren’t just about shopping — they’re about turning in-kind donations into real change for the community. From collecting donations to creating a thriving community space, opening a nonprofit thrift store requires thoughtful planning. In this FAQ guide, we’ll […]


Grant Project Kickoff Meeting: Free Template & Explainer

Writing a winning grant proposal is no easy feat. These projects have many moving pieces and require cross-team collaboration. Mastering grant writing means mastering organization and communication. A successful grant writing process fosters clear internal communication from the very start. This is why grant writing experts recommend hosting a kickoff meeting for everyone who’ll be […]


Creating Compelling Year-End Appeals: 4 Best Practices

Year-end is an extremely important time for nonprofits due to the elevated generosity of the season. After all, 17-20% of the average nonprofit’s revenue is raised in December alone. That’s why a lot of nonprofits host dedicated year-end giving campaigns, complete with engaging fundraising events, online marketing blasts, and more. To maximize the success of […]